Page 19 - IAV Digital Magazine #577
P. 19

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Westmoreland Man Who Tried To Hide Identity Info Inside Toilet, Arrested
WESTMORE- LAND, Jamaica – A 36-year-old man was arrested on Wednesday after he allegedly tried to hide a cellular phone containing the identities of persons living overseas inside a toilet tank in his home.
Charged with pos- session of identity information is Curtis Clarke of
Rocky Hole dis- trict in Burnt Savannah, Westmoreland.
Reports from the Westmoreland Police are that at about 5:30 pm, a team conducted an operation at Clarke’s house. According to the police, Clarke was seen trying to conceal a cellular phone inside a toilet tank but the
phone was retrieved and an analysis conduct- ed.
The phone was said to have con- tained identity information of per- sons living over- seas. Clarke was subsequently arrested and charged.
His court date is being arranged.
iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine

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