Page 30 - WHO
P. 30
Supplementary immunization Activities:
Immuniza�on program goes towards its goal to sustain polio free status in Sudan through mass
immuniza�on program, sensi�ve surveillance system and improving quality of rou�ne ac�vi�es.
Introduc�on of IPV in rou�ne immuniza�on 2015 and keep con�nuing vaccina�on of target
children despite problems of global shortage is another milestone for PEI and RI program of the
Sudan has not reported any case of polio posi�ve since 15th March 2009, there is op�mal level
of immunity at federal and states levels but we have to ensure the same level at some of the
Sudan is considered as one of the six EMR countries at risk for importa�on of polioviruses. Inac-
cessibility, mainly due to security concerns in Blue Nile, South Kordofan SPLM-N controlled
areas and some areas in Darfur Zone makes it difficult for vaccinators to reach all children during
campaigns, resul�ng in subop�mal popula�on immunity of children in the age group < 5 years
in these areas.
Large popula�on movements at the interna�onal borders of Sudan increase the risk of importa-
�on of WPV through large pools of children in IDPs and South Sudanese refugee camps.
Sudan is hos�ng people from African countries including many Nigerians beside many Somalian.
Travel of residents of these countries through Sudan par�cularly during Hajj and Omrah seasons
and visits their rela�ves in Sudan states is another source of risk.
The Global Polio Eradica�on Ini�a�ve (GPEI) and the Horn of Africa Technical Advisory Group
(HOA-TAG) approved two rounds of supplementary immuniza�on ac�vi�es for Sudan during
First round was implemented in July 2018 and second round was convened according to the
plan 13th - 15th November 2017, Sudan used the bOPV during November SNIDs. The round
target high risk locali�es in 17 states of the country .
The target children for November 2017 round of SNIDs in Sudan were 4,510,305 less than 5
years children. Total of 4,437,692 (98%) of the target children were vaccinated by OPV during
November round in Sudan.