Page 33 - WHO
P. 33
Special Populations:
• The total OPV target children < 5 years of age for this round were 4,510,305and SIAs vaccinat-
ed 4,437,692 (98%) of target.
• Supervisors were supported to be problem-solvers and were trained to do so. They used a
checklist, carried extra supplies and logis�cs forms.
• Supervisors from locality or designated personnel were joined in house-to-house “spot check-
ing” in high-risk areas to assess social mobiliza�on (i.e. do people know about SNIDs - when and
where) and take correc�ve ac�on if necessary.
•The locality EPI was supported to implement the planned strategies to reach remote communi-
�es and special popula�ons like nomads and people coming from neighboring countries such
as Chad, Ethiopia, Somalia and Eritrea. The strategies included mobile teams, addi�onal volun-
teers, more intense social mobiliza�on and house-to-house visits, and increased supervision.
• The locali�es were supported in reducing wastage through be�er management at all levels.
Measures to control and reduce avoidable vaccine wastage included the improved vaccine man-
agement and improving micro planning at administra�ve units and locality levels.
• Daily house to house monitoring of the implementa�on of the round, focusing par�cularly on
the performance of vaccina�on teams and team leaders, with provision of feedback to the
concerned health authori�es suppor�ng immediate ac�on to address problems.. The training
of the independent monitors was also
• undertaken before sending them to the field. The data are compiled in a unified Excel form.
The total number of vaccinated children in this campaign were 4,510,305 children less than five
years and SIAs vaccinated 4,437,692 (98%) of target in 17 states and 130 out of 189 locali�es by
bOPV during November round in Sudan.