Page 11 - RiskAssessment
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19  Floods and   Morbidity,   Poor infrastructure, weak health system, poverty,   Very   Forecasting, stockpiling, plans, coordination, partnership,   Low
          flash floods    mortality,   behaviour, proximity of infrastructures to risky zones,   high   awareness, political will and commitment,
                     drowning,   regulations for building codes, poor urban planning,
                     disability, injuries
       20  Drought    Malnutrition,   Climate change, global warming, poverty, food   High   partnership, coordination, early warning,   Low
                     morbidity,   insecurity, desertification, displacement,
                     mortality   deforestation, urbanization, malnutrition, low income
       21  Radiation   Mortality,   transport accidents, implementation of radiation   High   Safety and security regulations existing, coordination,   Partial
          Incidents    injuries,   safety, loss and theft of radiation sources   political will, designation of medical facilities, preliminary
                     malformation,   (orphan/abandoned sources), poor waste   treatment guidelines, , training programs
                     skin problems,   management, absence of tracking systems, and
                     eye problems,   radiation monitoring systems, public awareness,
                     mental health,
       22  Hazardous   respiratory   national geological characteristics, regulation is not   Partial   Some regulations, some guidelines, some standards,   Low
          materials in air,  illness, skin and   comprehensive, poor enforcement of waste   some trained human resources, plans, draft regulations
          water or soil   eye problems,   management rules and regulations,    for radiological and nuclear materials, environmental
                     poisoning                                            monitoring facilities, customs authority, SSMO, Sudan
                                                                          Nuclear and radiological regulatory authority (SNRRA),
                                                                          national implementation plan for POPs (Persistent
                                                                          Organic Pollutants)

       23  Food      Poisoning,   WASH, poor storage condition, poor food inspection,   High   Regulation, standards, policies, some inspection, lab   Partial

          contamination   morbidity and   behaviour issues, limited and centralized lab   capacities, trained personnel, poor survey for food
                     mortality   detection capacity, surveillance system, screening   contamination
                                 food handlers, weak post marketing inspection,
                                 limited value chain analysis, misuse of pesticides and
                                 fertilizers, poor funding, logistics and equipment

       24  Financial   Accessibility of   poverty, economic situation, health system, poor   Very   Partners, international support, trained human resources,  Low
          crises     health services,   infrastructure, IDPs and refugees, political instability,   high   lifting sanctions, community adaptation, health insurance,
                     SGBV, mental   brain drain,                          free medication programs
       25  Chemical   morbidity,   Awareness, behavioural issues, transportation,   High   Drafted coordination body for management of hazardous  Partial
          Hazard     mortality,   chemical safety measures (transport to use, storage,   materials, plans, guidelines, draft plan for emergency
                     respiratory   disposal, etc.), regulation implementation weak and   response of chemical hazards, medical staff trained,
                     illness, skin and   no coordination, no reporting system, no poison   rapid response team, Sudan national chemical
                     eye problems,   control centre except for pharmaceuticals, lack of   management profile, legal framework for chemical
                     poisoning   trained staff, lack of antidotes, lack of designated and   management, decontamination team (military),
                                 equipped hospital to deal with chemical injuries, poor   guidelines for chemical waste management for
                                 toxicology lab, lack of risk mapping of hazardous   pharmaceutical industry, proposition of national team for
                                 materials and sites,                     prevention and assistance in chemical incidents
       26  Heat wave   Heat stroke, heat  Geographical positioning of Sudan, desertification,   Partial   Tolerance and adaptation, some occupational and school  Low
                     exhaustion,   global warming, pre-existing conditions, working   health regulations and practices in selected areas,
                     morbidity,   environment, poor legislation for occupational health,   adaptation to working hours
                     mortality, skin   power outages
       27  Road traffic   Mortality,   Poor road conditions, safety regulation enforcement,   High   Some safety measures existing, convoys during EID   Partial
          accident   injuries,   driver and pedestrian behaviour, standard tyres,   holidays, highway monitoring by radar, awareness
                     disability,   urbanization, poor public transportation, poor health   campaigns, speed tracking for public transport by radar,
                     morbidity   services distribution along the highway, poor highway   trained health workers and traffic police for first aid,
                                 safety,                                  distribution of ambulance in the highway
       28  IDPs and   Outbreaks,   Geo political situation, poor health system, conflict,   High   Partnership, international support, coordination, plans,   Partial
          Refugees   malnutrition,   poor infrastructures, porous borders, instable   long experience in dealing with refugees
          situation   access health   neighbouring countries, behavioural issues
                     services, SGBV,
                     mental health
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