Page 11 - MayNewsletter2019ceb
P. 11
Osceola Circle
The Osceola McCarthy Adams (OMA) Sister Circle met on Saturday March 16, 2019 and "Broke Bread" at Filet Vine Res-
taurant with five awesome members in attendance. We started our lunch date off with a prayer and an introduction by
each OMA member. We were then BLESSED with some very interesting stories by Soror Josephine McCall. Soror Gladys
Peck showered each member with a lovely gift we will all cherish. To top off the delicious meals, Soror Stephanie S-
Boswell served us ALL a HUGE piece of homemade pound cake YUMMY!! Putting on the pounds was not our original
plan, but we just couldn’t resist that homemade pound cake and the only thing missing was a BIG scoop of Blue Bell va-
nilla ice cream......
We reluctantly decided it was time to go home so we hugged each other and said our good byes until our OMA Sister
Circle meets again which will be real soon!!
Sorors in the Osceola Circle are Theodora Davis, Voncile Love, Jo McCall, Talula Miller, Danica Taylor and Barbara
Madree Circle
The members of the Madree Penn White Circle
have connected three times during the year. Two
connections were dining experiences and one
through the sharing of beautiful Valentine's Day
cards and delicious chocolates. The sisters en-
joyed the fellowship as they learned that all had
many commonalities. The Circle is making plans
for a final connection before the close of the year.
Sorors in the Madree Circle are Cassandra Brown,
Dalphne Culliver, Geraldine Jones, LaShundra
Shree Peoples, Antoinette Robinson, Tonia Ste-
phens and Tashika Sykes.
Eliza Circle
The members of the Eliza P. Shippen Circle re-
cently met to dine at Red Lobster. The group
enjoyed seafood, conversation and sisterly ex-
changes. The opportunity to fellowship and
bond with sorors outside of their “normal circle”
was a very pleasant experience.
Sorors in the Eliza Circle are Kynesha Brown,
Cassandra Conway, Pamela Garrett, Karen John-
son-Richards, Deborah Thomas, LaToya Well-
born, and Robin Wood.