Page 8 - MayNewsletter2019ceb
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MAC Takes Center Stage
Serve the Community
The Second Annual Community Health and Resource Culinary gurus also took center stage to demon-
Fair was held on Saturday, May 4, 2019 at the strate healthy cooking. Panera Bread, Alanna’s
Cramton Bowl Multiplex from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 Gourmet, Dream Fruit, Alabama Cooperative Exten-
p.m. The Physical and Mental Health Committee sion, and Viva Medicare served up delicious alterna-
and the Economic Development Committee teamed tives to help you achieve your health and fitness
up to provide our community with information on goals. The crowd of attendees gathered near the
health and financial services. The impact this event stage to participate in Exercises led by Wanda DeJar-
had on our nette and
community Line Dances
was signifi- led by Sonia
cant with and Jack
over 400 Wiggins.
people in There was
attendance. something
for every-
There were one at this
year’s Fair.
more than
70 vendors The Kid
who partici- Zone was a
hit among
pated in this
year’s Fair. kids and
The vendors parents
included alike. The
Essie M. B. Ask the
Smith Foot Doctor/
Clinic, Gift of Life Foundation, Capital City Gastroen- Nurse booth was also a popular stop for attendees
terology, Orange Theory Fitness, River Region Der- who wanted answers to their specific health con-
matology and Laser, Edward Jones Investments, and cerns and conditions.
State Farm Insurance to name a few. Not only did
the vendors provide useful information, they also We are thankful to our generous sponsors: The City
donated door prizes which were given out through- of Montgomery, County Commissioner Isaiah San-
out the day. The stage was set as a gathering place key, Baptist Health, River Region Dermatology and
as attendees waited eagerly to see if they had won a Laser, and Fortitude Foundation for helping make
door prize. the Fair such a successful event. We are also grate-
ful to all sorors who supported this event. The IM-
Speakers took center stage to discuss financial well- PACT that the Community Health and Resource Fair
ness. Stacia Robinson, President of BeneChoice had on the River Region will be felt for years to
Companies and Amelia Thomas, owner of Amelia come by all those who were in attendance.
Thomas, LLC led financial mini-sessions on “Your
Save the date , March 28, 2020 for the Third Annual
Life; Your Money” and “Getting Your House in Or-
der: The Road to Financial Wellness” respectively. Health and Resource Fair!