Page 5 - MayNewsletter2019ceb
P. 5

The girls returned to the stage to their fathers who    ner  Up  to  Miss  Crème  de  la  Crème,  Bella  Beebe;
         were waiting to receive their daughters.   2017 Little   Miss Crème de la Crème for 2019 is Alaysia Thur-
         Miss  Crème  de  la  Crème,  Kayla  Myles  and  2017    mon.  As Miss Crème de la Crème and Little Miss
         Miss  Crème  de  la  Crème,  Amyracle  Coles  entered   Crème de la Crème of 2017 crowned and robed the
         the  stage  for  their  final  serenade  as  their  farewell   incoming Crème Queens, each father crowned their
         message  to  the  audience,  family,  friends  and  their   daughters with a tiara chosen especially for the occa-
         Crème committees played.  They both thanked their       sion.  The stage looked elegant as the young ladies
         2017 committees, parents and friends for their sup-     stood before the audience with roses, trophies, and
         port in making their dreams come true.                  crowns.

         After  the  crowning  ceremony  ended  President        The  evening  concluded  with  excitement  as  the
         Brown returned to the stage to recognize all of the     young ladies were honored by the Montgomery (AL)
         contestants.  The runner ups were announced begin-      Alumnae  Chapter  for  allowing  the  members  the
         ning  with  the  Dazzling  Diamonds,  Second  Runner    privilege of getting to know them.
         Up to Little Miss Crème de la Crème was Macken-
         zie  Houser;  First  Runner  Up  was  Alexandria
         McClain  and  Little  Miss  Crème  de  la  Crème  for
         2019  is  Chelsye  Leach-Peck.   Each  of  these  girls
         received  a  trophy  and  a  monetary  award  from  the
         chapter.  Next, was the announcement of First Run-
                                2019 Miss Crème de la Crème

                                            Alaysia Thurmon


                          2019 Little Miss Crème de la Crème

                                   Chelsye Anais Leach-Peck

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