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My Sisters, this Mothers’ Day, let us be mind-
Chaplain’s Corner
ful of the place our Sisters are in as it relates to this
In The Spirit of Love This Mother’s Day! time of year and each day. Show as much love as you
MAY 2019
can, especially to our Sisters who are still hurting
Submitted by Soror Catrina Waters and/or grieving. In honor of Mothers’ Day, I salute
each of you beautiful women. May the joy and bless-
Happy Day Sorors!
ings of the Lord keep you day by day.
Mother’s Day will be here soon, a day that
stirs up many different emotions and feelings. For
many, Mother’s Day can be a very joyful time of cele- Let us Pray: Lord, we thank you for Mothers near
bration. For others, it can be a very difficult time, and far. We thank you for those women who stand in
whether it’s due to the loss of a mother, loss of a the gap, as nurturers and role models. Lord, bless us
child or children, an estranged relationship with their all with wisdom to teach and guide our birth chil-
mother, and the like. It’s a constant reminder of what dren, children in our families and communities in a
one does not have or use to have.
way that will help them to follow You and to become
men and women who will be pleasing in Your sight.
I am blessed to still have a living mother, a Lord, we ask you to rain down Angel Kisses to our
woman that I cherish and love dearly. To my Sister Sisters, whose mothers have departed this life. We
who still has a living mother, cherish these times for asked you to rain down Butterfly Kisses to our Sisters
they are ever fleeting. Say I love you often, even whose children have passed on. Lord, we pray you
though they know you do. To my Sisters who have will mend and strengthen Mother-Daughter rela-
lost their mother or mother-like figure, I hope this
Mother’s Day you are surrounded by her love. That tionships and even relationships within our Sister-
you remember how much she loved you and know hood. Lord, remind us that when we feel the wind
that she will forever have a special place in your blow or a breath of air upon our faces, it you cover-
heart. I am blessed to have two amazing and loving ing us with your love. In Jesus’ name we pray,
children, yet I know the pain of losing a baby. To my AMEN!
Sister, whose child/children are still living; love them
hard, but give them their wings to fly. Tell them you
love them often, even though you may show them.
Yes, young or old they may get on your nerves, but NOTE: The Chaplain’s Council is here for you. We are pray-
they are a blessing. To my Sister, who lost a child, I ing for you and with you. We invite you to join us on the third
pray you too find an inner peace and strength, not Wednesday of the month at 6:00 – 6:15A.M., for the “What
just on Mother’s Day, but with each passing day. To happens when Sisters pray” prayer call. It’s a time of devotion,
My Sister, who never had a relationship with your prayer, and refreshing for a new day. Connect with us as we
mother or over the years you two have grown apart, bombard Heaven on behalf of others, our community, our
know that you are still loved and your life is a bless- chapter, our Sorority, each other and ourselves. Remember,
ing. I pray that time will heal those wounds and rela- God hears us when we pray.
tionships are restored and forgiveness takes place.
Whether it happened one day ago or ten years May 15 August 21
ago, the time does not matter, my Sister be patient September 18 October 16 November 20 De-
with yourself no matter the circumstances. Give th
yourself permission to feel the emotions of the day cember 18
and trust and know that you are not alone. One as- Prayer Line: 515.603.4901
surance we have, is that we serve a God, who is a Participant Code: 759781#
Mother to the Motherless. We serve a God who is a
Comfort to the Comfortless. We serve a God who is
our joy in the midst of our pain. Even in difficult
times, God is ever present and cares about you.