Page 4 - MayNewsletter2019ceb
P. 4

Fundraising Committee

                                   2019 Crème de la Crème, Ltd.

                                                      With a

                                             Gospel Explosion

          The  41  edition  of  Crème  de  la  Crème,  Ltd  is  a   Brown  presented  the  Internal  Awards  as  follows:
          wrap.  However, it did not wrap up until seven very    Emergent  Leader  Award  to  Soror  Angela  Sanders,
          lovely  young  ladies  took  the  stage  to  dance  with   Delta Dear of the Year Award to Soror Lillie Gar-
          their fathers.  It was a stunning moment to witness    nier, Delta of the Year Award to Soror Jacinta Ber-
          these  young  girls  exit  the  stage  to  recognize  their   ry, and the highly esteemed Fortitude Award to So-
          mothers.  As they curtsied and handed their mothers    ror Kynesha Brown.  Each time a soror rose to enter
          a  long  stem  rose,  you  could  hear  the  audience  go   the stage, an EMBODI young man was there to as-
          “aww”,  yes,  if  you  missed  Crème  this  year  you   sist her.
          missed  a  beautiful  celebration  of  who  we  are  as  a
          community and as women.                                Crème de la Crème Pearls and Dazzling Diamonds
                                                                 were  introduced  by  Sorors  Lindsey,  Stephens,  and
           This evening of elegance began with a beautifully     Davis as they prepared for their rendition of a praise
          choreographed praise dance to the tune of Order My     dance to the tune of “When you Believe” by Mariah
          Steps  in  Your  Word presented  by  Sorors  LaKesha   Carey  &  Whitney  Houston.   The  young  girls  pre-
          Shahid,  Lauren  Blanding,  Brittany  Pettaway  and    sented  an  elegantly  choreographed  dance  by  Soror
          Courtne’  Bell.   It  took  your  breath  away  as  these   Pamela Garrett.
          beautiful  sorors  executed  every  move  to  perfec-
          tion.   As  I  overheard  someone  proclaim, “They     The  Hutchinson  Missionary  Baptist  Church  Male
          dance as though they are in a professional produc-     Chorus  awakened  our  inner  spirits  as  they  led  the
          tion, just beautiful is what it is.”   We were proud of   house through a plethora of gospel tunes of the years
          the dancers and especially proud of their very classy   gone by.  Soror Brown then returned to the stage to
          and classic tutus.                                     present the Citizen of the Year Award to Montgom-
                                                                 ery County District Attorney, Daryl Bailey, Esq. and
          Next, Soror Mona Davis introduced the Emcees for       the Trailblazer Award to Entrepreneur Charles Lee
          the  evening:  Sorors  Mona  Davis,  Robyn  Lindsey    of That’s My Dog.
          and  Tonia  Stephens  entered  the  stage  dressed  in
          beautiful red gowns and made you wonder; “Is this a    Featured Artist Vanessa Bell Armstrong entered the
          fashion show or Crème de la Crème?”  They were         stage  and  kept  the  spirits  high  as  she  belted  out
          simply gorgeous and elegant as they kept the atten-    some of her Grammy nominated gospel tunes. The
          tion of the audience throughout the evening. Soror     height  of  the  evening  however  was  the  father  &
          Catrina Waters prayed for us and with us for a suc-    daughter minuet.  Soror Pamela Garrett outdid her-
          cessful event and thanked the Lord for his grace and   self  when  she  choreographed  this  dance.   The  fa-
          mercy.                                                 thers  escorted  their  beautiful  daughters  onto  the
                                                                 stage  dressed  in  beautiful  presentation  gowns  and
          After giving the audience a little history lesson on   them in tuxedoes.  Each girl looked elegant as they
          who we are, Soror Stephens invited our lovely presi-   danced a very appropriate dance for a church venue,
          dent to the stage to further indulge in what it means   with  their fathers.   However in  the middle of their
          to be a Delta.  Hard work is what she explained.  All   dance,  the  girls  left  their  fathers  on  the  stage  and
          of the accomplishments that she listed, all the part-  exited to the floor and honored their mothers with a
          nerships that she mentioned, all of the financial re   long stem red rose.  This simple action was breath-
          sources  shared  with  the  community  clearly  ex-    taking  as  you  could  actually  hear  the  audience’s
          pressed what it is to be a Delta.  Finally, Soror      awe!

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