Page 34 - SB-Black and White Kingdom
P. 34

Using your Good Thinking as your Glasses, you can change your thinking. “They are correcting me so that next time I may do it correctly. If they seem a little upset, I don’t have to upset myself. Just make the changes and remember not to make that mistake again.”
As in the story, many will choose to continue with their Stinky Thinking because it is familiar and easy. “She said my shoes look ugly. I will hate her forever.” Others will encourage you to maintain your Stinky Thinking. “I can’t understand why you are not angry at her. If someone said my shoes were ugly, I would hit them up side their head. You must be stupid or chicken.”
By using your Good Thinking, you may decide that you are not going to let this person who does not like your shoes determine how you feel. “It does not matter if they think my shoes are ugly. I like them just fine and that is what is really important. They may be just trying to get me upset but I am not going to let that happen. It is a shame that she does not have any better manners than to make fun of someone’s clothes or shoes.”
But just as in the story, learning to use your Good Thinking as the “Glasses” to see life as it really is, “Will be hard” and “Will take a long time.” But it will make your life more interesting and you a better person.

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