Page 42 - G-Collard Green Garden
P. 42
You want your children to recognize the images the Young Girl imagined and how the more powerful and nega ve the images, the more powerful and nega ve will be the emo ons. “He would starve to death,” creates strong nega ve emo ons of shame and guilt.
Encourage them to verbalize realis cally, the nega ve emo ons of sadness or guilt. You can also ask if they like those emo ons, which of course they won’t. The Young Girl is not willing to change her garden because of what she imagined might happen to the rabbit and that is the point. The Rabbit got what it wanted at the expense of the girl and now she s ll has nothing but collard greens to eat.
You want them to recognize that the Young Girl was manipulated because she made herself feel guilty and ashamed, when she had no real reason to do so. This as a common ploy some people used to take advantage of others. We are taught and righ ully so, not to take advantage of the weak but that good quality has to be tempered by Good Thinking to avoid manipula on by others.
1. What did the Rabbit say to the girl when she planned to change the garden?
“If you change anything I won’t have anything to eat”
2. What did the girl think a er this conversa on with the Rabbit?
That she would be a mean person to change the garden
3. What emo ons did she feel a er the Rabbit told her about what would happen to him if she changed the garden?
She felt Guilty
4. What was her behavior toward changing the garden?
She did not change the garden