Page 29 - Animals to Atlantis
P. 29
Cleanliness is a fairly recent quality available to the general public. In the past, it was available only to the rich. Today, it is available
to almost everyone and is an expecta on of most of modern society. Yet many children see it as an inconvenience, which is best avoided. Without being excessive, cleanliness has a direct bearing on future health, social acceptance and happiness.
Learning or be er yet, “the love of learning” is a necessary quality for a happy and successful life me. Once again, many children
see the process of learning; paying a en on and studying as an inconvenient interference with their “fun” life. Unfortunately, many adolescents who leave school have no inten on of ever learning anything again. This resistance to the learning process is typical but very destruc ve.
The importance of these quali es can not be overemphasized but many children receive li le encouragement from their peers to develop these “gi s.” Hopefully this story will provide an opportunity to discuss these quali es and encourage
their development.