Page 31 - Animals to Atlantis
P. 31

This page concentrates on Politeness and also on the role of proper Language and Grammar in making our society function smoothly. It is unfortunate that some in our society view being polite as a sign of weakness. You loose nothing with a Please or Thank You when dealing with others.
Cosmos makes sure to point out that even with a Please, others may choose not to share. If you are using Good Thinking you know that they do not have to share and that is okay. You then follow your request with Thanks Anyway.
Society has certain expectations regarding our use of language and grammar. Some may argue that it should not make a difference if we use the wrong words or express ourselves poorly or in a confusing manner. But that is just wishful if not Stinky Thinking. Taking the time to learn proper language and grammar and being polite will pay tremendous dividends in a person’s life.
1. In the story, the seagull and pig were concerned that others would make fun of them if they were polite and used good grammar. What do you call that type of thinking?
Stinky Thinking
2. Refusing to be polite to others will probably result in what type of Not OK emotion?
Anger or fear
3. What could the pig have told himself so that he would have been willing to learn to use good language and grammar? (Something like) To be successful I need to learn how to talk right.

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