Page 159 - Livro_Inglês
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José Paulo – Ideal Decision José Paulo – Ideal Decision
something so successful!? I would say it was when a dream started To me, Paulo is synonymous with determination and faith. A
to take shape and to come true. This simple conversation brought unique professional who has the gift of seeing an opportunity whe-
up a change in values, lives, people, challenges, dreams, and purpo- re no one else does and making it a success even when no one else
ses. And that was how the patient José Paulo became a partner and believes in it. He is a reference of integrity, transparency, and trust.
a friend. We have a relationship of extreme trust and admiration. Because of that, he became a reference in the Group and to many
He is a man of unique skills and sensitivity! His mission became others who follow him.
mine: to provide people with opportunities and help them release Being an example is one of his main guidelines for all managers
their potential. This is the José Paulo phenomenon. and the application of the group’s principles is mandatory. In ad-
Big hug from your partner and friend. dition to being an impeccable professional, he is a man concerned
Dr. Alex Guilger — partner of Vue Odonto with human beings and goes to great lengths to help many, many
people anonymously.
Carmem Ponte — director of the Ideal Trends Group
José Paulo is a spectacular, humane person, and he made me
dream and believe in a better future for me and my family, dreams
that seemed impossible to come true to me. In December 2015 I did a job interview that would change my
life, I was hired to work at Ideal Trends Group as an accounts
Through his teachings I became a better person and profes-
sional. I am grateful that he chose me among many spectacular payable analyst. I would never imagine that on this journey I would
professionals that exist in this world. receive so many opportunities and challenges. I grew a lot as a per-
son and as a professional, and in less than three years I became a
José Paulo for me is the greatest example and mirror to be managing partner, achieved dreams, and still have many more.
Thank you, Paulo, for the guidance, mentorship, and opportu-
Bruno Gonçalves — partner and director of the Ideal Trends Group nities.
Katia Rodrigues — partner and director of the Ideal Trends Group
José Paulo is a great leader and, as a leader, he knows how to
lead everyone to higher levels. His ability to inspire and transform
people is incredible. This humility that makes him a totally acces- It is difficult to talk about the great friend José Paulo Pereira
sible person, always ready to teach and challenge everyone who is Silva. Ever since I met him, I realized that his life is a read letter,
willing to follow his directions. as the Bible quotes on II Corinthians 3. It may sound like an exa-
ggeration on my part to say this, but nowadays it is rare to find
Liliane Oliveira — partner and director of the Ideal Trends Group a Christian with authenticity and who applies the gospel daily.
Transparent in speaking and proceeding. I have Paulo as a referen-
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