Page 16 - IEAR1_60y_Book_of_Abstracts
P. 16

6                                                                      Invited Talks

          30 Nov                   FLOW STUDY USING RADIOTRACER Kr-79
                                     M.B. Santos  a,1 , L. C. Veiga and M. Beninca 2
                                          Tracerco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
                                               2 Braskem, São Paulo, Brazil

                      Flare is an equipment present in refineries and petrochemicals where the waste
                  gases of different processes of the plant are burned and thrown into the atmosphere.
                  The world’s interest in reducing air pollution and optimizing processes by eliminating
                  losses has been increasing over the years as this influences the company’s financial
                  performance and climate change. Worldwide we have over 130 billion cubic meters
                  of gas burned annually. An investigation was carried out in some process lines of a
                  petrochemical to evaluate which contribute in a more significant way to the flow of
                  the flare, in order to reduce them. Using the Tracerco Diagnostics     T M  Flow Study
                  technique, a radioactive tracer Kr-79 that faithfully follows the gas flow from the
                  pipes, was injected into the sections to be analyzed. Radiation detectors were placed
                  along the tubes. The gas velocity was calculated by detecting the movement of the
                  radioisotope inside the tubing, and therefore the flow of the fluid. In this way, it was
                  possible to verify which part of the process had the greatest contribution of gases
                  to a future reduction, thus reducing the burning and the material released into the

                      This work was presented at COTEQ - Conferência sobre Tecnologia de Equipamentos 2017 (talk)

          30 Nov                                  TRACK ANALYSIS
                                                      A.R. Jelinek a
                                       Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

                      Fission-track analysis has developed into one of the most useful techniques used
                  throughout the geologic community to reconstruct the low-temperature thermal his-
                  tory of rocks over geological time. Applicable geological settings include orogenic
                  belts, rifted margins, faults, sedimentary basins, cratons, and mineral deposits. The
                  types of geologic problems that can be addressed include the timing and rates of
                  tectonic events, sedimentary basin evolution, the timing of hydrocarbon generation
                  and ore mineralization, the absolute age of volcanic deposits, the effects of major
                  climatic changes on the near-surface geothermal gradient, and long-term landscape
                  evolution (Donelick et al., 2005).
                      The spontaneous fission of a   238  U atom generates two smaller, strongly ionized
                  atoms, which repel each other in opposite directions, disturbing the electronic balance
                  of the atoms and leaving a structurally defective linear 100Å- (10nm-) wide zone in
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