Page 17 - IEAR1_60y_Book_of_Abstracts
P. 17

60 Years of IEA-R1 International Workshop                                           7

                  the host mineral crystal lattice as they shift. As uranium is a trace element in a
                  number of minerals and, since the   238  U isotope fission happens spontaneously in a
                  known rate, the fission tracks can be used to date the host minerals. Many natural
                  isotopes are subject of decay by spontaneous fission. However, only  238  U has a fission
                  half-life short enough to produce a significant number of spontaneous tracks through
                  the time period of geological interest (8.410 15  years) (Wagner & Van Den Haute,
                      Fission track dating is based in a general radioactive decay equation, requiring
                  an estimate of the relative abundance of parent and daughter product. In this case,
                  the abundance of   238  U, obtained by irradiating the sample with low-energy thermal
                  neutrons, which induces  235 U fission recorded in an external detector, and the number
                  of spontaneous fission tracks per unit volume, counted on a specific surface. Provided
                  the neutron flux is monitored, the number of induced tracks indicates the abundance
                  of  235  U. Since the  235  U/ 238 U ratio is constant in nature, the abundance of  238 U can
                  be estimated.

                                RADIOISOTOPES LABORATORY OF CENA/USP                                    30 Nov
                                                   E.A.N. Fernandes  a

                            Nuclear Energy Center for Agriculture, University of São Paulo, Brazil

                      The strength of strong ties in scientific collaboration between Nuclear Energy
                  Center for Agriculture of the University of São Paulo (CENA/USP) and Institute of
                  Nuclear Energy Research of the Brazilian Nuclear Energy Commission (IPEN/CNEN)
                  since 1985 has resulted in dozens of scientific and academic researches in the vari-
                  ous areas of knowledge. The irradiation of samples in the IEA-R1 nuclear research
                  reactor allowed the Radioisotopes Laboratory to perform neutron activation analysis
                  in the last 32 years effectively to the point of forming the basis to be designated
                  in 2007 as a primary method of measurement in the CCQM/BIPM (Consultative
                  Committee for Amount of Substance Ű Metrology in Chemistry and Biology/Bureau
                  International des Poids et Mésures), Sèvres, Paris, France, 2007. Several studies
                  were performed by using instrumental neutron activation analysis from which some
                  are herewith described. The pioneer one was developed in the sucroenergetic sec-
                  tor to evaluate the technological quality of the sugarcane collected in the field and
                  delivered to the industry by finding chemical elements to be used as soil tracers
                  in the sugarcane load and in the entire industrial processing for sugar and ethanol
                  production. A series of innovative research on the Brazilian uranium mining in the
                  Poços de Caldas Plateau (MG) and Lagoa Real Province (BA) have been performed
                  for the chemical characterization of waste rocks. A comprehensive study of sus-
                  pended and floodplain sediments along the Amazon River basin to the continental
                  shelf. Environmental quality studies involving biomonitoring of the Atlantic Forest
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