Page 5 - Bulletin Vol 27 No 3 - Sept. - Dec. 2022 Final 2_Neat
P. 5

Message from Donald Hills, DDS

                                                         The Dental Stuff

                                          A new dentist opened up in my town.  I was so happy  for her.  She built a nice
                                    new storefront office and I looked forward to welcoming her and telling her all
                                    about the dental society.  So I went to say hello.  I stopped by with a fruit basket,
                                    some  ADA  information  and  a  big  smile.    Her  receptionist  said  she  was  with  a
                                    patient and would not see me.  What a shame.  I left the fruit and my business
                                    card and asked the receptionist to have her call me.  She did not call. What a

                                         I am actually dumbfounded she wouldn’t see me.  When a fellow dentist drops
                                    by in my office I always go over and say hello.  A colleague, in my little world, is
                                    always  a  welcome  addition  to  the  day.    To  be  able  to  share  dental  stuff  with
           someone else who lives the dental stuff is always fun.  It is one reason I am so involved in the dental society
           – the sharing the dental stuff with someone who “gets” the dental stuff.  It's sad, but my new colleague is
           missing out on so much.

                ADA tripartite membership benefits us in countless ways. Membership is truly the gateway to illimitable
           dental stuff.  Senior dentists, mid-career dentists and new dentists alike profit from the myriad services
           ADA, NYSDA and NCDS provide.   Spending time surfing the ADA and NCDS websites is a true eye opener.
           There is an extraordinary amount of information, resources and all sorts of dental stuff on the sites; go
           there and explore, you will be truly impressed.  The new dentist down the street is clueless to the vast
           benefit of membership. I so want to tell her to be part of the ADA, to come join us, to share the dental stuff
           with us.
                Membership  is  more  than  just  insurance  programs,  credit  card  processing,  professional  journals,
           automobile  and  appliance  discounts,  scientific  resources,  state  and  national  advocacy,  business  apparel
           outfitting,  a  career  and  opportunity  center,  continuing  education  courses,  CDT  coding,  a  center  for
           professional success, chemical dependency programs, collection aid, credentialing services, UPS discounts,
           disaster  relief,  district  claims,  e-prescribing,  ethics,  financial  planning,  legal  support,  the  ADA  library,
           student loan consolidation, marketing advise, patient dental education, payment plans/care credit, payroll
           processing,  peer  review,  practice  management,  retirement  plans,  practice  transitions,  travel  resources/
           discounts, waste management programs and website design.  Wow that’s one hell of a list!  Membership is
           also the give and take of dental stuff. “Hey Michael, do you like that new scanner?”  “Howard, can you
           believe how  great  the  air  purifiers  we  purchased  out  of  Toronto turned  out  to  be,  you  know  the ones
           designed by the Canadian Government in response to the SARS epidemic in the early 2000’s?”  Our new
           colleague down the street is missing out on all of this and more.

                Put  two  dentists  in  a  room together  and  there’s  never  a problem  of  what  to  say.   The  conversation
           inevitably drifts to the dental stuff.  As it should.  I would hate to not have that kinship. Membership clearly
           provides countless resources and benefits but membership, fortunately, also gives us an opportunity to
           engage in interesting dental stuff.  So I hope the new dentist down the street reconsiders and gives me a
           call. I am sure we have a lot in common and I am equally sure it will be fun to share some stuff together.



                                             Nassau County Dental Society ⬧  (516) 227-1112  |  5
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