Page 13 - Bulletin Vol 26 No 2 - May - Aug. 2021 - Final
P. 13

News | NYSDA House of Delegates

         For the first time since June 2019, the NYSDA House of Delegates met in-person.  The meeting was held at
         the Westin Hotel in Jersey City,  August 12-15, 2021.  Delegates from around the state reviewed, debated,
         and voted on 28 different resolutions, including 3 submitted from NCDS.  In addition Dr. Brendan Dowd was
         elected as New York State’s ADA Trustee and Dr. Kevin Henner of Suffolk County was installed as NYSDA
         President. Below are some photos from the meeting.

                                                               L to R: Drs. Binod Verma, Gene Porcelli, Bob Peskin, Michael Shreck, Doug
            Drs. Schildhaus, Shreck, Milord, Hills, and Palmaccio chat prior to the   Schildhaus, Kathy Leibowitz, Howard Baylarian, Frank Palmaccio, Don Hills,
            first meeting of the HOD.                          Joe Brofsky, Meena Jaiswal, Fabiola Milord, and Steve Akseizer.

             Newly installed NYSDA President, Dr. Kevin Henner, addresses the HOD.
                                                                 Dr. Paul Leary, 2022 ADA President-Elect candidate, addresses our
                                                                 Delegates at the NCDS Caucus.

                                                                                   During  a  lighter  moment,  Drs.  Palmaccio  and
                                     Our 11 Nassau Delegates and Trustee seated during the second   Shreck congratulate Dr. Steve Snyder of Suffolk
          Dr.  Don  Hills  speaks  to  ADA         meeting of the NYSDA HOD.       for  being  the  recipient  of  the  2021  NYSDA
          President,  Dr.  Dan  Klemmedson,                                        Distinguished Service Award.
          about a resolution going to the ADA
          HOD  in  October  that  originated  in   Nassau County Dental Society ⬧  (516) 227-1112  |  13
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