Page 11 - TST_Neat
P. 11

UJ     Metropolitan     Academy       has
                                                                computer  lab  where  learners  can  do
                                                                research  and  surf  information  based
                                                                given content.

                                                                Learners  are  being  taught  basic
                                                                computer skills such as Microsoft word,
                                                                PowerPoint, and Excel by ICT support

               UJ     Metropolitan     Academy       has
               technological     means     to   enhance
               teaching and learning process, such as
               smartboards.  These  learning  tools
               encompass most different intelligences
               such  visual,  musical,  and  auditory
               learners.  The  use  of  smartboards
               ensures  good  time  management  in
               which  teachers  can  draw  graphs  and
               table prior to the lesson.

                                                                UJ  Metropolitan  Academy  has  well
                                                                designed  and  conducive  classroom,

                                                                and  has  enough  space  that  can

                                                                encourage       group     works.      The
                                                                classrooms  have  excellent  ventilation

                                                                condition.  In  addition,  the  classrooms
                                                                are  safe  and  have  no  equipment  that

                                                                can harm learners.

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