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           Moore communication is a new quarterly newsletter designed   As many of you know, a few years ago we introduced a Functional
           to provide transparency on what’s going on from the Business   structure using the Red, Blue and Black teams. This language was
           Support side of the firm.  This doesn’t replace Moore News, which   lost on many of us, so we have changed these teams to Moore
           is an important news outlet for everyone’s use in the firm.   Growth, Moore Us, Moore Revenue and Moore Efficiency, and my
                                                              quarterly up-date below follows this format.

          MOORE GROWTH


          You will all hopefully have seen the exciting announcement of
          our merger with Dempster Binning. A very warm welcome to
          Peter, Dawn, Jackie, Nicki and Sharlene who will be moving to
          Gateway House shortly.

          The IT roll out of the new servers continues and we hope that the
          whole firm will be working within it by [Ross].

                                                              At the partners conference in November we explored how we
                                                              could work as a team more effectively and play to our individual
                                                              strengths. As a result for this Financial Year we have developed a
                                                              new Functional Management Chart, which can be viewed here,
                                                              splitting the way we organise our firm into 4 main sections: Offices,
                                                              Business Support, Legal Divisions and Sectors. The Chart sets
                                                              out the people responsible for each component of our firm, who
                                                              have  delegated responsibility for running their areas. Any ideas for
                                                              improving these areas should be directed to the people responsible.

          I have also promised to refresh the strategic direction for the firm,   2. Strategic Direction
          and would like to engage as many people in this process as possible.
          In order to achieve this, during the first quarter of this financial year   At the same time I will be working with our senior partner, Damian
          we are running two processes in parallel:           Horan, and our Commercial Director, Chris Ake, to devise strategic
                                                              priorities for the firm.
          1. Three Year Plans
                                                              Together the above two processes will enable us to create an
          Each area of the business will be doing a Three Year Plan. All the   exciting, realistic and fresh direction for MB, which we can all feel
          Fee earning teams, Offices, Business Support and Sector areas will   part of and work towards.
          be doing a Plan, so if you are interested in contributing to any these
          areas please let the person responsible know. Anyone should feel   I encourage you all to engage in this process if you have ideas you
          free to step forward and contribute to this planning process.   would like to put forward.

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