Page 27 - Tegra Employee Handbook_2020_FINAL_English
P. 27

Life and long-term disability coverage may be continued
         during FMLA leave to the extent permitted by the
         applicable insurance carrier.

         Eligibility for short-term disability benefits will continue
         during a period of FMLA leave in the same manner as
         during active employment. Paid time off will only continue
         to accrue during paid FMLA leave in the same manner as
         during active employment. Where state or local leave laws
         offer more protection or benefits, the protection or benefits
         provided by such laws will apply.

         Paid leave hours are credited for Retirement Plan purposes.
         During weeks in which you are paid any amount, 401(k)
         contributions will continue. When you are not paid any
         amount, 401(k) contributions will be suspended. Subject
         to plan documents, if you are on paid leave, you may
         also elect to make changes to your 401(k) contributions,
         including reducing or suspending your contributions when
         out on paid leave.

         You and eligible family members can continue to access
         the resources available to all active employees under the
         Employee Assistance Program.

         Unless you are approved by your physician to work
         intermittently during leave, you are not permitted to
         work for Tegra or any other employer while on approved
         leave from Tegra. One exception would be if you
         worked for another employer before going on leave and
         sought approval from Tegra consistent with medical
         documentation to continue to work for the other employer
         while on leave from Tegra. Working for other employers
         and/or intermittently for Tegra during leave must be
         authorized in advance by your manager, Human Resources
         and supported by written documentation from your

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