Page 24 - Tegra Employee Handbook_2020_FINAL_English
P. 24
To request a leave of absence, please notify your supervisor and your
local Human Resources Representative. You will need to complete a
“Leave of Absence Request Form” and submit the form, along with any
other applicable documentation, to Human Resources, who will consider
your request in accordance with applicable law and the Company’s
leave policies. The Company will let you know if your leave request is
approved or denied. Unless specifically provided in the applicable leave
of absence policy or unless applicable law provides otherwise, all leaves
of absence are unpaid. Misrepresenting the reasons for applying for a
leave of absence may result in disciplinary action.
Any information submitted to Human Resources will be kept in strictest
confidence, to the extent consistent with implementing or approving a
leave of absence or reasonable accommodation. You should not provide
any family medical history of any genetic information, but instead
ask your physician to focus on your current restrictions/limitations
and any need for time off. In addition, managers should consult with
Human Resources if any health-related information pertaining to a
leave of absence or reasonable accommodation is shared with them by
employees. Managers are required to keep all health-related information
pertaining to employees confidential.
When an employee is placed on leave of absence, reinstatement is
not guaranteed, except when required by law. It is the employee’s
responsibility to notify the Company of his/her intention to return to
work from a leave of absence, as set forth in the applicable policies. If an
employee fails to return to work at the expiration of a leave and has not
requested and been approved for an additional unpaid leave or other
reasonable accommodation, the employee will be considered to have
Family Medical Leave (FMLA). The federal Family and Medical Leave
Act (FMLA) requires employers with 50 or more employees to grant
eligible employees up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for the following
reasons: the birth of a child or the placement of a child for adoption or
foster care; to care for a parent, spouse or child with a serious health
condition or because of employees’ own serious health condition or a
qualifying military event. In addition, Tegra grants eligible employees up
to 26 weeks for military caregiver leave. Eligible employees can request
an intermittent leave for serious health conditions.
Military Family Leaves. Qualifying Exigency: You may apply for up to 12
weeks of leave for Qualifying Exigencies arising out of the fact that your
spouse, son, daughter or parent is on active duty or is called to active
duty status in the National Guard or Reserves (note, this does not apply
for those in regular armed forces) in support of a contingency operation.
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