Page 22 - Read The Found Prints Fingerprint Analysys
P. 22



                   uring the investigation of John Gretzky, the   Louise, all suspicious prints were lifted for further
                   Highland Park detectives visited the office   examination.
            Dof the Tumbling Water Land Development
             Company. When they walked through the office,       When questioned, John told the investigators that
             they noticed that the safe is open and empty. Upon   the safe was always locked when the office was
             looking closer, the detectives found fingerprints on   empty and that he did not know the code to open
             the door of the safe. As the only two people with   the safe. Fingerprint analysts have determined that
             authorized access to the office safe were Lyle and   all of the prints were left by the same person.

              22    THE MYSTERY OF LYLE AND LOUISE
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