Page 17 - Read The Found Prints Fingerprint Analysys
P. 17


             MINUTIAE: Characteristics of the ridges, which      PATENT PRINTS: Fingerprints that are made by
             include ridge endings, bifurcations, lakes, short   fingers coated with a substance, such as blood, ink,
             ridges, and crossovers.                             dirt, etc.

             LOOPS: Ridgelines that enter on one side, turn      PLASTIC PRINTS: Fingerprints that are three-
             around in a curve, and exit out the same side.      dimensional impressions made in pliable surfaces,
                                                                 such as wet paint, wax, soap, etc.
             ARCHES: Ridgelines that enter from one end and
             flow out the other side, usually forming a wavelike   LATENT PRINTS: Fingerprints that are made by
             pattern.                                            the transfer of natural oils or perspiration present
                                                                 on the finger. These prints are more commonly
             WHORLS: Ridgelines that are generally rounded       found at crime scenes than any other prints.
             in shape, where the ridges make at least one
             complete circuit.                                   AFIS (AUTOMATED FINGERPRINT
                                                                 IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM): A computer
             KNOWN PRINTS: Fingerprints that are                 system that automatically searches electronically
             deliberately collected from the subject by an ink   stored fingerprints and generates a hit list once a
             impression or scanning.                             fingerprint is scanned.


                                              Prints Diagram

                        NOT ROLLED       TOO LIGHT       INK UNEVENLY          TOO           ACCEPTABLE
                          FULLY                          DISTRIBUTED          DARK

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