Page 16 - Read The Found Prints Fingerprint Analysys
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luminescence at the wavelength known to excite successful tool in the capture of many unknown
the latent print. criminals. Through AFIS, finding a matching
fingerprint for a single print found at a scene takes
After the prints are detected and developed only hours instead of months or years.
they must be preserved for future inspection
and evidence. A photograph is taken before any Fingerprints are among the best and most
attempts at preservation are made. If the object convincing of all types of physical evidence for
that the prints are located on is small, then the identifying people with locations or objects.
object is preserved in its entirety. Conversely, if Although fingerprint analysis can be the key to
the object is too large, the prints can be preserved many unsolved crimes, it is not infallible. Thus,
by a lifting technique after the prints have been fingerprint analysis must be done conscientiously
developed with a powder. The most commonly as there can be great room for error. The AFIS can
used type of lifter is a wide adhesive tape, similar to assist in giving a hit list of potential suspects, but
Scotch tape. After the powder has been transferred the examiner must still analyze and confirm the
onto the tape it is placed onto a labeled card that potentail match.
provides a greater contrast with the powder and
allows for detailed examination of the print. Most fingerprint experts work under federal
agencies, such as the Federal Bureau
Usually, when fingerprints are lifted from a crime of Investigation, the Drug Enforcement
scene they are not in a perfect condition making Administration, the Secret Service, and the
analysis of the print difficult. Photographed or Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and
scanned fingerprints from a scene can be inputted Explosives. Depending on the specialty, they
into computer software to create a digital image. collect, examine, analyze, compare, and classify
Through the use of digital imaging, a developed using the Henry System, as well as the Automated
print that is obscured can be further enhanced by Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS).
removing the background and, thus, clarifying the Fingerprint analysts also testify in courts to clarify
details within the print. Digital imaging is utilized the evidence. As the fingerprint specialist career
extensively in forensic laboratories and is especially has advanced, certain professional criterion has
valuable in examining latent prints. been developed. The Latent Print Certification
Board of the International Association for
Currently, many countries use the Automated Identification (IAI) has developed and administers
Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) to a certification test for latent print examiners. This
classify fingerprints. AFIS is a computer system certificate sets a standard for the profession. This
that automatically searches electronically certification, in addition to a bachelor’s degree, is
stored fingerprints and generates a hit list once often required by law enforcement agencies prior
a fingerprint is scanned. AFIS has become a to employment.