Page 14 - Read The Found Prints Fingerprint Analysys
P. 14

The Henry

                            Classification System

             It is necessary for fingerprint analysis to have a   absence of the whorl pattern, each finger is
             method of classification. There are several different   assigned a value.
             classification systems used in the world. The most
             popular tenprint classification systems include the   If a whorl pattern is present on fingers number one
             Roscher system (implemented in Germany and         and two they are assigned a value of 16, three and four
             Japan), the Juan Vucetich system (used in Argentina),   a value of 8, five and six a value of 4, seven and eight a
             and the Henry Classification System (used in most   value of 2, and the last two, nine and ten, a value of 1.
             English-spoken countries).
                                                                If loops and arches are present they are given the
             The Henry Classification System uses the loops,    value of 0. Then the odd numbered fingers and even
             whorls, and arches approach. The primary           numbered fingers values are summed separately.
             classification of the Henry system categorizes ten-  To the total value of each, odd and even, the value 1
             print fingerprints into one of the primary groups,   is added. The sum of odd finger value + 1 is divided
             with 1,024 possible groups.                        by the sum of even finger value + 1, which gives the
                                                                fraction that represents the primary group ratio. On
             As seen in the table below, each finger is numbered   the table, a sample individual has whorl patterns on
             from one to ten beginning from the right thumb,    the right index finger, right ring finger, left index finger,
             numbered one, and ending with the left pinky,      and left pinky. As displayed below, that individual
             numbered ten. Depending on the presence or         would have a 3:26 (or 3/26) grouping ratio.

                                 R       R       R        R       R       L       L       L        L       L
                              THUMB    INDEX   MIDDLE   RING    PINKY  THUMB    INDEX   MIDDLE   RING    PINKY

              ASSIGNED           1       2       3        4       5       6       7       8        9      10

              VALUE (IF WHORL    16      16      8        8       4       4       2       2        1       1
              IS PRESENT)
              EXAMPLE            0       16      0        8       0       0       2       0        0       1

              HENRY           Sum of Odd finger value + 1 = Grouping Ratio
              FORMULA         Sum of Even finger value + 1

              GROUPING RATIO    0 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 1 = 3
              FOR EXAMPLE     16 + 8 + 0 + 0+ 1 + 1 26

              14    THE MYSTERY OF LYLE AND LOUISE
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