Page 12 - Read The Found Prints Fingerprint Analysys
P. 12

prints were identical and that the prints remained   patterns used for fingerprint analysis are loops,
             unchanged throughout the individual’s lifetime.     arches, and whorls.
             The British Government later adopted a fingerprint
             system based on Galton’s work to supplement the     Loops appear in sixty to sixty-five percent of the
             Bertillon system. The United Kingdom Fingerprint    population and are comprised of ridgelines that
             Bureau was founded in Scotland Yard, a division of   enter on one side, turn around in a curve, and exit
             the London police, in 1901. In that same year, the US   out the same side. The pattern area of the loop is
             New York City Civil Service Commission adopted the   surrounded by two diverging ridges. A loop consists
             first systematic and official use of fingerprints for   of a core (center of the pattern) and only one delta.
             personal identification.                            This mark looks like the Greek letter delta (p) and is a
                                                                 triangulation, or a dividing, of the ridges. By definition,
             One of the most famous cases solved by fingerprint   the existence of a core and exactly one delta makes
             analysis, often called the greatest art theft in the   a pattern a loop. There are two types of loops: loops
             20th century, occurred when Leonardo da Vinci’s     that open towards the little finger are called ulnar and
             painting, Mona Lisa, was stolen from the Louvre     others that open toward the thumb are called radial.

             Museum in Paris on August 21, 1911. The suspect     Arches appear in about five percent of the population
             left a clear fingerprint on the glass casing. Police   and consist of ridgelines that enter from one end and
             officer Alphonse Bertillon spent many months        flow out the other side, usually forming a wavelike
             examining a compilation of prints, but no match     pattern. Arches have neither a core nor a delta. Any
             was found. Two years later, police arrested Vicenzo   pattern without a delta should be considered to be an
             Peruggia in connection with the crime after         arch pattern. Arches are the most simple fingerprint,
             determining that his thumbprint matched a print     but they are very uncommon, especially on the little
             found at the crime scene. In many similar cases,    fingers. The arch type is either plain or tented. Plain
             fingerprints have become critical evidence for      arches have only a gentle rise, while tented arches
             finding the suspect.                                have a sharp rise in the center.

             Fingerprints are unique to an individual, and,      Whorls are displayed in thirty to thirty five percent
             therefore, can be used as a personal identification.   of all prints and consist of ridgelines that are
             Over the many years of the use of fingerprints      generally rounded in shape and make at least
             in forensic science, no two identical fingerprints   one complete circuit. Any fingerprint pattern that
             have been found. According to Sir Francis Galton,   contains at least two deltas will be a whorl pattern.
             the chance of two individuals having an identical   Whorls are very common, especially on the thumb,
             print is 1 in 64 billion. Fingerprints are unique,   index, and ring fingers. There are four types of
             not because of their shape or pattern, but by the   whorls: central pocket loop whirls, plain whorls,
             relative locations of the minutiae (characteristics   double loop whorls, and accidental whorls. Plain
             of the ridges). Some examples of minutiae include:   whorls consist of one or more ridges that make a
             ridge endings, bifurcations, lakes, short ridges,   complete circuit with two deltas; if an imaginary
             islands, and crossovers. Fingerprints will remain   straight line is drawn from one delta to the other,
             unchanged during an individual’s lifetime, although   at least one circular ridge within the inner pattern
             scarring, such as burns or deep tissue damage,      of the circuit will intersect the line. Central pocket
             may obscure the minutiae. General ridge patterns    loops consist of one or more ridges that make a
             allow for prints to be systematically classified. The   complete circuit with two deltas; if an imaginary
             three basic identifying                             straight line is drawn from one delta to the other, at

              12    THE MYSTERY OF LYLE AND LOUISE
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