Page 7 - Read The Found Prints Fingerprint Analysys
P. 7



             Before conducting this laboratory exercise, the details of The Investigation should be shared with the class to
             provide the context of the crime. Covering this material once should be sufficient for all laboratory modules.

                                                    SCHEDULE 1:
                   This lab schedule is designed to take 5 days, with one hour of class time per day.

               DAY 1                                             DAY 3

               Cover the background material on Fingerprint       Instruct students to follow Part 2 of
               Analysis. Emphasize unique characteristics and     Lab Procedure 1.
               patterns.                                          As a class, discuss the patterns and unique

               Distribute lab procedures and talk about correct   characteristics that were found. Discuss the
               technique when rolling fingerprints.               importance of rolling prints correctly for analysis.

               Assign pre-lab questions as homework.              Read through the procedures for Lab 2 so
                                                                  students can be prepared for the following day.

               DAY 2
                                                                 DAY 3, AFTER CLASS
               Before class, photocopy pages 25 27 for student use.
                                                                  Ensure that you have a surface for students
               Perform Lab Procedure 1, Part 1.                   to dust fingerprints. The best surfaces to use
                                                                  are windows, dry erase boards, or overhead
               Since all students cannot roll prints at the
               same time, students who are waiting to roll        transparency sheets.
               and examine their prints should work on the
               Classifying Fingerprints sheet. This knowledge
               will help them to easily analyze fingerprints.    DAY 4

               Assign remainder of the Classifying Fingerprint
               handout for homework.                              Perform Lab 2.

                                                                          THE MYSTERY OF LYLE AND LOUISE     7
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