Page 4 - Read The Found Prints Fingerprint Analysys
P. 4

Introduction to

             Read the Found Prints

                      elcome to Read the Found Prints, a         In this lab, students will learn about the different
                      fingerprints analysis lab in the Mystery   classifications of fingerprints as well as several
             Wof Lyle and Louise. A brutal murder case           fingerprinting techniques, including rolling,
             is unfolding in a small Appalachian town. Already   dusting and lifting, and comparing and analyzing
             the case spans two crime scenes and five people     fingerprints. Then, analyzing the evidence
             are dead. Two of the victims, found in a cabin on   fingerprint and compare it to the fingerprints of
             Tumbling Water Land Development Company             Lyle Mondelo, Louise Mondelo, and John Gretzky,
             property, are believed to be two of the company’s   students must form a hypothesis about who
             owners. The third owner, John Wayne Gretzky, has    accessed the empty safe.
             now come under suspicion due to his close ties to
             the victims and a suspicious bite mark upon his     Once the lab results have been analyzed, students
             arm. In search of evidence related to the murders,   may conduct a mock trial to hold a suspect
             the investigation has expanded to TWLDC offices.    accountable for their actions.

             When detectives examine the offices, they find      Teacher’s notes can be found at the beginning of
             the office safe is empty and hanging open. They     the manual and copies may be freely made of all
             process the safe and discover one clear fingerprint   materials for your students.
             upon the door. The print is then lifted and sent back
             to the lab for analysis.

              4     THE MYSTERY OF LYLE AND LOUISE
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