Page 10 - Read The Found Prints Fingerprint Analysys
P. 10



             1.  What is the proper technique for rolling a     4.  What was the most common unique
                 fingerprint? Where do you start and end on         characteristic you recorded from the
                 each finger?                                       fingerprints that you exam ined?
                 Describe process. Rolling from “awkward to         Answers will vary.
                 comfortable”, pressing lightly, rolling from edge
                 of nail to other edge
                                                                5.  Of all the fingerprints you examined, what was
                                                                    the most common overall pattern?
             2.  When rolling prints from your left hand, which      Answers will vary.
                 way do you roll your fingers and thumb?
                 Fingers: Counter Clock-wise, Thumb: Clock-wise
                                                                6.  What technique or process did you use when
                                                                    comparing prints to given fingerprint cards?
             3.  Describe the proper technique for lifting a        Answers will vary.
                 Describe process. Apply a very small amount of
                 powder to the brush, dust powder lightly across   7.  Who did the evidence fingerprint belong to?
                 print, press the lifter lightly to the print without      Unknown. The print did not belong to Lyle or
                 rubbing, lift straight up                          Louise. John Wayne Gretzky has been ruled out
                                                                    as a suspect.

              10    THE MYSTERY OF LYLE AND LOUISE
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