Page 15 - Read The Found Prints Fingerprint Analysys
P. 15

Development of latent prints can be achieved        (silver nitrate-based reagent). Iodine fuming is
             through chemical, powder, lighting, and             the oldest method used for visualizing latent
             photographic methods. The method of treatment       prints. Iodine crystals are heated in a chamber
             depends on the surface where the print is located.   with the latent print and the iodine fumes that
             Prints on non-absorbent surfaces (e.g. mirror,      form combine with the oils in the latent print to
             tile, and painted wood) can be developed by         make it visible. Iodine prints, however, are not
             treatment with powders or cyanoacrylate (Super      permanent and are, thus, quickly documented
             Glue). The powder type used varies based upon       and photographed. Many new chemical treatment
             the background of the print. Some examples          processes are now available. Latent prints may
             are black powder, magnetic-sensitive powder,        also be developed through fluorescent techniques.
             and fluorescent powder. Super Glue fuming has       Some of the techniques include the use of an argon
             become a popular test for non-absorbent surfaces.   ion laser (natural fluorescence by components
             In this test the cyanoacrylate ester in the super   of perspiration and blood), alternate light source,
             glue interacts with a latent print to give it a white   Reflected Ultraviolet Imaging System, and dyes
             appearance.                                         and powders as discussed above. The most widely
                                                                 used fluorescence technique in labs and crime
             For porous surfaces (e.g. cloth, paper, and         scenes is the alternate light source. An alternate
             cardboard) chemical treatments are utilized, such   light source is any high intensity light source, other
             as iodine fuming, ninhydrin, or physical developer   than a laser, that filters the origin light and induces

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