Page 15 - Prescription for Crime Drug Testing
P. 15
Common Illegal
Marijuana is the most widely used hallucinogen Methamphetamine is also abused for its
in the United States. The active compound, feelings of euphoria, with similar side effects,
or psychoactive substance, contained in the and has a highly dangerous nature. It is
marijuana plant is tetrahydrocannabinol, or widely know as “meth”, and can be injected,
THC. THC is produced by the cannabis plant snorted, smoked, or ingested orally. Under
through a natural process involving the plant’s low doses and controlled administrations,
own enzymes and chemicals. The active methamphetamines have many uses in
compound in marijuana can range from 1 to 20 medicine (i.e. ADHD, obesity, narcolepsy, etc.).
percent, which is almost completely contained Meth is made in foreign and domestic labs
in the female marijuana flowers. by combining commonly available drugs and
chemicals, which is why these production
Cocaine is one of many illegal stimulants that labs are often found in communities and
are abused for the sense of euphoria that they neighborhoods.
give the user. Cocaine is made from the coca
plant, grown only in the Amazon. To make one Opioids are very well known and widely
pound of cocaine a total of 500 pounds of coca abused because they can be prescribed by
plant is needed. Most cocaine is made into a a licensed physician. These drugs act on
powder to be snorted, or it is crystallized and neuron receptors in the brain and spinal
heated to create fumes to be inhaled, known cord which block pain signals, as well as
as “crack”. A stimulant is any highly addictive stimulate euphoria similar to cocaine and
chemical that directly acts on the central methamphetamines. Opioids are contained in
nervous system. It creates increased alertness commonly prescribed drugs, such as Vicodin,
and energy, and decreased appetite and need Lortab, morphine and some cough medicines.
for sleep. Other commonly known stimulants They are alkaloids derived from compounds
are caffeine, nicotine, amphetamines, and such as morphine, which come from the
methamphetamines. harvested opium plant seeds.