Page 11 - Prescription for Crime Drug Testing
P. 11

Lab 2, Part B Solutions

             ❖  What four concentrations of drugs were used     ❖  Concentration of the unknown solution
                 in this analysis?                                  (meth):
                 0.25 mg/ml, 0.50 mg/ml, 0.75 mg/ml,                Concentration = (peak height 0.5)/88.8
                 1.00 mg/ml                                         concentration = (75.5 0.5)/88.8 concentration
                                                                    = 0.844 mg/ml

             ❖  What does 1.0 mg/ml signify?
                 There is a concentration of 1.0 mg of          ❖  Determining the concentration: Sample
                 methamphetamine for every 1 milliliter of          concentration: 0.844 mg/ml
                 solvent the chemical is dissolved in               Original sample concentration: 2 mg/ml percent
                                                                    concentration: 0.844/2 = 42.2%

             ❖  Scatter plot trendline equation (may vary
                 slightly):                                     ❖  Calculating the quantity of meth in the
                 y = 88.8x 0.5                                      sample collected by police:
                                                                    qty = concentration * mass qty = 0.422 * 13g
                                                                    qty = 5.48g
             ❖  Scatter plot trendline equation solved for x,
                 where x is the concentration of the substance
                 being tested and y is its peak height on the
                 GC graph:
                 x = (y-0.5)/88.8

                                                                          THE MYSTERY OF LYLE AND LOUISE    11
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