Page 7 - Prescription for Crime Drug Testing
P. 7



             Before conducting this laboratory exercise, the details of The Investigation should be shared with the class to
             provide the context of the crime. Covering this material once should be sufficient for all laboratory modules.

                                                    SCHEDULE 1:

                   This lab schedule is designed to take 5 days, with one hour of class time per day.

               DAY 1                                               DAY 3

               Cover the background material on Drug Testing       Discuss the experiments that were performed
               and Analysis.                                       on the previous day.

               Distribute lab procedures and review so that
               students will be prepared for the lab the following   Watch the video clips about drug testing,
               day. Assign pre-lab questions for homework.         pausing between each clip to talk about
                                                                   what is being performed. Emphasize
                                                                   the need for both presumptive and
               DAY 2                                               confirmatory tests.

               Instruct students to follow the lab procedures      Read through the procedures for Lab 2
               for Lab 1. They should fill out their data          so students will be prepared for the
               collection sheet for this lab by the end of class.  following day.

                                                                          THE MYSTERY OF LYLE AND LOUISE     7
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