Page 5 - Prescription for Crime Drug Testing
P. 5



                   hese notes are provided to assist in the      RUNNING THE LAB
                   preparation and execution of the laboratory   During the white powder test, instruct students
             Texperiment. A solutions key for the pre and        to label their spatulas with each specific powder
             post-lab questions can be found on pages 9 and 10,   name. This will allow them to use the spatula to mix
             respectively.                                       the powder with the liquids later in the lab while
                                                                 preventing cross contamination. Also, students
                                                                 should place a very small amount of the white
                                                                 powder in each well, then add three or four drops of
               SUPPLIES                                          liquid and mix.
               First, inventory the supplies included in the
               lab kit. Supplies have been provided for up to
               six groups of students.                           SAFETY PRECAUTIONS

                Isopropyl alcohol (6 bottles)                   1.  During cleanup, place all well plates and

                Lugol’s iodine (6 bottles)                         spatulas in a plastic garbage bag and tie the top
                                                                    for immediate disposal.
                Strip of unknown powder (1 strip)
                Strips of known powders (6 strips)              2.  Chemicals should be used in small quantities
                                                                    during the white powder test. Three or four
                Spot plates (1 pack of 12)
                                                                    drops will be sufficient.
                Powder dispenser spatulas (6 sets)
                All GC-MS Data (6 sets)

               OTHER SUPPLIES AND

                Lab gloves
                Distilled water

                Pipettes for dispensing distilled water
                Permanent marker for labeling

                                                                          THE MYSTERY OF LYLE AND LOUISE     5
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