Page 9 - Prescription for Crime Drug Testing
P. 9



             1.  Why must forensic technicians perform a        4.  Why is it important to identify the exact drug
                 confirmatory test after receiving a positive       and the quantity?
                 result on a pre sumptive test?                     In most jurisdictions an individual is punished
                 False positives frequently occur, therefore a      based on both the type of drug and the quantity
                 confirmatory test is required in order to identify   that they possess.
                 the substance.

                                                                5.  Describe the function of a GC-MS.
             2.  What is a false positive?                          The gas chromatograph takes the chemical
                 A false positive test result means that the test   compound and reduces its chemical structure
                 you have run has returned positive for the         to molecules. The difference in the chemical
                 suspected substance, but, in reality, it is another   properties of each different molecule will
                 substance completely.                              separate the molecules as the substance
                                                                    travels the length of the column. The molecules
                                                                    take different amounts of time to exit the
             3.  What is a drug that can usually be identified      gas chromatograph, which enables the mass
                 just on the visual appearance of the               spectrometer to capture. and detect the
                 substance?                                         molecules separately. After the GC produces
                 Marijuana or intact prescription pills can often   these fragments of the substance, the MS
                 be identified just by visual appearance.           is used to classify the chemical  fragments
                                                                    and create a ratio with its mass and electrical
                                                                    charge, called the  mass-to-charge ratio.

                                                                          THE MYSTERY OF LYLE AND LOUISE     9
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