Page 4 - Prescription for Crime Drug Testing
P. 4
Introduction to
A Prescription for Crime
elcome to Prescription for Crime, a drug drug testing and, after receiving data from a gas
testing and analysis lab in the Mystery chromatography-mass spectrometer, the most
Wof Lyle and Louise. A brutal murder case commonly used instrument in confirmatory drug
is unfolding in a small Appalachian town. Already testing in forensic laboratories, determine the
the case spans two crime scenes and five people amount of drug found in the sample. Using the
are dead. When a truck is found abandoned on the information obtained in their experiment, students
highway in New Mexico, investigators find a large will then form a hypothesis about the events
bag of white powder under the seat. Believing surrounding the crime.
it may be a controlled substance, the powder is
collected and sent to the drug lab for analysis. Once the lab results have been analyzed, students
may conduct a mock trial to hold a suspect
In this lab, students will learn about drug testing accountable for their actions.
and analysis and then perform several presumptive
drug tests to determine the dilutant, or diluent, Teacher’s notes can be found at the beginning of
used in the creation of the unknown white the manual, and copies may be freely made of all
powder. They will then learn about confirmatory materials for your students.