Page 14 - Patterns of Murder Blood Spatter
P. 14

While the overhead viewing technique is generally   first to recognize a relationship between the length
             the easiest way to determine the convergence/       and width of a resulting stain and the angle of the
             origin, this technique is limited to determining    projected droplet’s impact. This relationship was
             a two dimensional convergence point and no          further refined by Dr. Herb MacDonell, who applied
             information on height is available to form a true   mathematical sine functions to the relationship.
             point of origin in three dimensional space. In each   Because droplets in flight are spherical, when the
             instance in which a stain’s path can be defined, a   droplet impacts the target, its dimensions can be
             line is drawn in the opposite direction. By mapping   used to define the angle of impact. The inverse
             the path of multiple droplets, an intersection      of this sine relationship provides an estimate
             point can be determined. The intersection point     of impact angle accurate to within 5°-7°. These
             of droplets caused by the same impact should be     techniques require the ability to define a well
             close to the origin of the blow. Additionally, multiple   formed stain, where length and width of the stain
             blows can be established by determining clusters    can be clearly and precisely measured. Satellite
             of intersection points from multiple droplets.      spatter and spines must also be excluded, so only
                                                                 the elliptical part of the stain is measured.
             To establish a specific location above the point
             of convergence, an investigator must use a side-    Building on these theoretical bases for determining
             view approach, requiring the determination of a     points of origin, two three-dimensional techniques
             droplet’s impact angle. Dr. Victor Balthazard was   have been developed to aid analysts in evaluating

              14    THE MYSTERY OF LYLE AND LOUISE
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