Page 10 - Patterns of Murder Blood Spatter
P. 10

Blood Spatter

             Pattern Analysis

                   hysical evidence is a strong, and often       silent witnesses will shed light on the events.
                   convincing, voice. Through the investigation
            Pof a crime and the systematic processing of         Blood Stain Pattern Analysis (BSPA) is a
             a crime scene, the facts surrounding the case must   systematic approach to evaluating the origin and
             be defined. Some of these questions may have        mechanics involved in the creation of a bloodstain.
             obvious answers which can be backed by scientific   BSPA requires answering a standard set of
             evidence. For example, eye-witness testimony in     questions about a bloodstain and determining the
             combination with fingerprint comparison and DNA     relationship of the stain to the surrounding scene.
             analysis can definitively answer ‘who’. Answers     BSPA includes determining the type of impact,
             to “what” and “how”, on the other hand, are often   the direction the blood traveled after impact, the
             harder to determine. In most cases, the only        minimum number of blows required to produce the
             individuals with firsthand knowledge of an event are   bloodstain, the stain’s area of origin, the distance
             the perpetrator and victim. One way to help answer   between target surface and origin, the position
             these questions is to analyze the bloodstains       of the victim or an associated object, and any
             present at a crime scene in the hope that these     movement of the victim or object after bloodshed.

              10    THE MYSTERY OF LYLE AND LOUISE
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