Page 8 - Patterns of Murder Blood Spatter
P. 8



               Background                                         Procedure

             1.  What is the first step in characterizing a     6.  At what angles and heights will you drop
                 bloodstain pattern?                                blood? How many sheets of drops will you
                 The investigator must take a macroscopic look      have at the end?
                 at everything in the scene.                        Angles: 90 °, 80 °, 60 °, and 40°. Heights: 30
                                                                    cm, 60 cm, 120 cm, and 150 cm. 8 sheets.

             2.  What does a medium-velocity blood stain look like?
                 Medium velocity stains are characterized by    7.  When measuring the width and length of
                 small, but still easily identifiable, droplets.    blood droplet, which will be longer?
                                                                    The length will always be longer.

             3.  What type of objects might cause wounds
                 with low, medium, and high impact patterns?    8.  When stringing a crime scene or crime scene
                 Answers will vary. Low: knife stab, garrote, a     model, what does the string’s intersection
                 foot splashing in a blood pool. Medium: knife      indicate?
                 slash, baseball bat, punch. High: gunshot          The strings will intersect at or around the origin
                 wound, machinery.                                  of the blood spray.

             4.  In Blood Stain Pattern Analysis, what is       9.  Why is it, or is it not, important to know the
                 indicated by a void?                               scale of the crime scene photos?
                 An object or person was present that blocked       When constructing the model, the scale of the
                 the spray of blood.                                photos is needed to know where to position
                                                                    the crime scene photos. When measuring the
                                                                    width/length ratio of blood drops, the scale is
             5.  If you were studying a bloodstain on a flat        unimportant because you are interested in a
                 surface, what are the shapes of droplets you       ratio and not an absolute measure.
                 will observe? What do they indicate?
                 Circle and ellipse. Circle indicates that the blood
                 impacted perpendicular to the surface; an ellipse
                 indicates an impact at some angle other than 90 °.

               8    THE MYSTERY OF LYLE AND LOUISE
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