Page 7 - Patterns of Murder Blood Spatter
P. 7

Suggested Teaching


             Before conducting this laboratory exercise, the details   DAY 3
             of The Investigation should be shared with the class to
             provide the context of the crime. Covering this material   Perform Lab Procedure 2. As this lab is
             once should be sufficient for all laboratory modules.  entirely computer-based, it may be assigned
                                                                   as homework if desired.
               DAY 1

               Cover the background material on Blood Spatter      DAY 4
               Pattern Analysis. Emphasize the material on
               determining blood height and spatter origin.
                                                                   Perform Lab Procedure 3.c
               Distribute lab procedures.
               Assign pre-lab questions as homework.

                                                                   DAY 5
               DAY 2

                                                                   Data synthesis and evaluation and
               Perform Lab Procedure 1.                            post-lab questions.

                                                                          THE MYSTERY OF LYLE AND LOUISE     7
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