P. 14
Page 14 October, 2020
How to Start a Business with No Money
ow can you start a
use personal connections,
business with no phone calls, social media, and
Hm o n e y ? T h e other online tools. Brush up
"secret" is to get creative on your offline networking
and be determined. Contrary
skills, too.
to the cliché, it doesn't
always "take money to make Start a Service Business
money." There are plenty of If you don't have any startup
physical things and money you do
business owners who capital, service-based
have that could be used in a
started their businesses businesses are another low-
business. For instance, if you are
with little or no cash. Here cost startup option. Product-
reading this page on a computer
are some strategies that based businesses require you
or mobile device that you own,
work to start a business to purchase and then resell.
you already have a piece of
without capital. Service-based businesses
equipment that you can use to
such as coaching, being a
get your business started.
Recognize and Use the virtual assistant, web design,
Assets You Do Have You can use your word processor or home cleaning services only
If you're reading this, (or other software if you have it)
chances are you have little to write up promotional materials need the knowledge and
equipment you probably
or no cash to invest in a and distribute them by email to already have.
business. But you do have people who want information
assets and abilities that you about your services. If you have Capitalize on Your Hobby
can use to get a business an inkjet or laser printer, you can At some point, you'll have to
started. Using those skills print some of your initial quit your day job but that day
and assets - in other words, promotional materials in very isn't today. Hobby businesses
using what you already have small quantities. (When you know often come from the person's
– is the key to getting a what works and want to print, say love of something. Maybe you
business started when you 100 copies, it may be cheaper to have a corporate job during
have little or no money. have a local printer run them off the day but you love to bake
Begin by making a list of for you.) when you come home. Start
things you already know how Your smartphone can be used to with people you know and
to do, are good at doing and create snapshots or videos to allow your network to grow
like doing. Don't limit this publicize your business to people from there. Your marketing
initial list. List even the you know on Instagram or other costs are zero and you still
simplest tasks like walking social media platforms. If you have money coming in from
the dog or organizing own a vehicle, that's something your day job.
closets, as well as more that might be useful to some
difficult or skilled things types of businesses. Save Up the Money for Your
like analyzing financial data
Sell Your Knowledge and Advice Saving money isn't easy to do,
or creating software.
Do you have skills or training that but neither is starting a
Consider what types of
businesses or consumers need? business. If you're serious
business you could start
You can start a consulting about starting a business,
using these skills and
business, training program, or look for ways to cut back on
tutoring business without any your spending. For instance,
Next, think about the
funding. Everything you need to could you save money by
create the business is already cooking at home instead of
inside your head. To get it going, Continue on pg 15