P. 10
Continued from pg 5
Page 10 October, 2020
Page 10 October, 2008
Some Advise for Up and Coming Entrepreneurs How to Start a Business with No Money
Continued from pg 14
be a reader. most business owners became barter your services in
Continued from pg 9
entrepreneurs thinking they exchange for somebody
If you really want to be a knew more than what they did. else's. There aren't many
good entrepreneur then you In fact, many businesses fail small business owners that
have to read business related because the person was ill- aren't looking for ways to get
equipped to build a successful quality services for little or
business. no cost. What you have, they
Before you start your own want, and they're willing to
business, work or intern with trade for it.
somebody in the business
already. The experience you gain
Finally, go into your business
will allow you to start your
endeavor with a hustling
business knowing what you truly
books. A good book can mindset. Be ready to do
need to spend money on and
change your whole life. anything legal and ethical to
what you don't. You'll also gain
There is much power in a get your business off the
good book. Reading a good insider knowledge of the ground. Don't like cold
book is more powerful than industry and possibly a healthy calling? Do it anyway? Not a
attending seminars and customer list from the graphic designer? You can
watching YouTube videos. beginning.
find templates online for
Raise Money by Working Gigs just about anything. Don't
There are many books which
Gig workers may not make big want to do any free work? It
y o u s h o u l d r e a d , I
bucks, but if you need money to might be worth it to get your
personally suggest to you
launch a business, taking on side name out there.
some books which may help
you. gigs while you keep your day job If you don't have the money
Rich dad poor dad can help you raise the cash for to pay for services, you have
The 4-hour work week the venture you really want to to do them yourself or find
Think and grow rich start. somebody who can and will do
Zero to one it for free. Don't let a lack of
The 100 start ups Use Free Services funds discourage you. You
How to win friends and The Internet is full of high- may have to work harder to
influence people quality services you can use for start a business than
These are the some books free. Mailchimp is a powerful e- someone with more financial
you must read if you want to mail marketing platform that's resources, and it may take
be someone. I guarantee free for the first 2,000 e-mail
longer. But resourcefulness,
after reading these books addresses. Wufoo allows you to creativity, hustle, and
y o u w i l l b e t o t a l l y make online forms, and although determination are often
transformed. Facebook and other social media better predictors of success
Someone says : platforms won't put your ad in than money.
“Entrepreneurship is living a front of large amounts of people
few years of your life like by Tim Parker
unless you pay, you can still gain
most people won't, some traction by telling people
so that you can spend most
of your life like most people what you're doing.
can't.” Barter
Don't have any money? Offer to