Page 21 - KFTL Report
P. 21

                 KFTL DUE DILIGENCE – Kingston, Jamaica
5.1.4 Segregation and Hazards
There is no segregation strategy and understanding at KFTL, where flammable and hazardous items are all stored around the facility in various locations.
Coupled with an inadequate fire protection system in the stores area, this is a significant risk to KFTL and its people.
Illustrations below show the dangerous storage of crane wire ropes to an unacceptably high level with no protection for potential fall on to a person.
Rubber hoses are stored inside 2 rooms, but with shelf life of rubber components relevant, these need to be shown clearly so decaying rubber parts do not find their way on to KFTL equipment.
The picture below on the right, is the stairway access on to the mezzanine floor, poorly lit and an inadequate exit/entry point given this is the only way in and out from this level!
                            TRENT ASSOCIATES 21

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