Page 26 - be'ah Annual Report
P. 26

IEMA                                                 Ejaad

             IEMA is an independent and international            Ejaad is a membership-based virtual collaborative
             organization with a membership body for more than   platform where industry, academia and government
             15,000 environment and sustainability professionals   can interact and engage in energy-related research
             worldwide.                                          and innovation activities.

             IEMA provides support to individuals and            It works as an enabler or a marketplace that connects
             organizations in setting and achieving globally     academic research and know-how to industry needs,
             recognized standards for sustainable practice,      and vice versa. In 2019, be’ah ran two research
             in turn driving the development and uptake          challenges through Ejaad, collaborating with Sultan
             of sustainability skills. IEMA also adds value      Qaboos University and Sohar University.
             for its members by providing the knowledge,
             connections and recognition necessary to lead
             change within organizations at all levels.

             IEMS Academy                                        World Health
                                                                 Organization (WHO)

             Established in 2017, the Institute of
             Environmental Management and Sustainability         In 2019, be’ah took an effective initiative towards
             (IEMS) Academy aims to provide blended              building a strategic cooperation with the World
             training and development programmes that            Health Organization (WHO) in Healthcare Waste
             establish and enhance people’s knowledge            Management. This collaboration was to access
             and skills required for current and future jobs     effective educational material on specific topics
             in the industry.                                    related to Healthcare Waste Management and
                                                                 exploring long-term solutions.
             The IEMS Academy has partnered with world-class
             institutions, including the Cambridge University    Moreover, further cooperation has been established,
             Sustainability Institute and the Waste Management   requesting WHO consultancy on conducting
             and Advisory Board (WAMITAB) - part of the Chartered   a comprehensive review on Healthcare Waste
             Institute of Waste Management (CIWM), and the       Management.
             Institute of Motor Industry (IMI) helping us develop
             professional training programs in the field of      As a result, be’ah received an exclusive
             sustainability.                                     invitation from WHO to participate in one of
                                                                 its regional workshops held in Amman, Jordan,
                                                                 on November 2019 to showcase Oman’s
                                                                 successful experience in HCW management.

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