Page 42 - be'ah Annual Report
P. 42

South Al Batinah Governorate                                                                                          Al Dakhiliyah Governorate

             As many as 17,797 bins have been installed and      The average amount of waste generated in South                    Since be’ah began Al Dakhiliyah operations in        experience in the field, received an average
             over 111 collection trucks deployed for waste       Batinah in 2019 was 497 tonnes per/day.                           November 2016, the governorate has been              of 445 tonnes of waste per day in 2019.
             management operations in South Al Batinah since                                                                       facilitated with 22,153 bins operations. Averda,
             January 2016, when be’ah took over operations in                                                                      an international operator with many years of
             the governorate, appointing Urbaser as the operating

             South Al Batinah                                                                                                      Al Dakhiliyah
             Average daily waste generated:                                                                                        Average daily waste generated:

             497 tonnes/day                                                                                                        445 tonnes/day

             1                  1               111            17,797       316           298,793        49                        1                  6                90             22,153       390           416,005       43
             Engineered         Transfer        Collection      Bins        Manpower      Distance      Dumpsites                  Engineered         Transfer         Collection      Bins        Manpower      Distance      Dumpsites
             landfill           station         trucks                                    traveled in                              landfill           stations         trucks                                    traveled in
                                                                                          km/month                                                                                                               km/month
                                                                                                         3                                                                                                                     8
                                                                                                        Dumpsites                                                                                                              Dumpsites
                                                                                                        closed                                                                                                                 closed

      42                                                                                                                                                                                                                                43
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