Page 37 - be'ah Annual Report
P. 37

Municipal Solid Waste    Transfer Stations

 As cities expand and usage increases, the role of   infrastructure facilities across the Sultanate   Transfer stations across the country act as hubs
 waste management bodies gets more challenging   includes 11 engineered landfills, 18-25 waste   where waste is collected and sorted prior to final
 and expansive. Best practices for the industry that   transfer stations, and bulky item drop-off centers.   disposal. These centers serve as staging areas
 project future demands are put into action to   where waste can be collected and stacked before
 develop a solid waste management and disposal   being transferred onto bigger trucks to be carried
 infrastructure.    to landfills. These facilities offer waste segregation,
            sorting and temporary storage areas for green,
 Shift from traditional and low-efficiency system   bulky, and other types of waste. Transfer Stations
 to a more sustainable and environmentally-  are equipped with weigh bridges, prime movers and
 friendly set-up is required. be’ah’s progress   hook lifts to ensure smooth and speedy operations.
 so far in developing municipal solid waste

             Current MSW Infrastructure Status

             10                       1
 An engineered landfill is an engineered pit, where   collection and treatment system, groundwater   Engineered    Engineered
 layers of solid waste are placed, compacted and   monitoring and gas extraction equipment.  landfills  landfill
 covered for final disposal. It is specifically designed to   Operational  Under construction
 lessen environmental pollution and health risks.

 The bottom of the pit is lined with hard-packed clay
 soil and/ or plastic to prevent chemicals and germs
 from contaminating groundwater, and to avoid waste
 It has also a cover designed to prevent insects
 from breeding. Some of its features include a   14  7
            Transfer                    Transfer
            stations                    stations
            Operational                 Under construction

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