Page 35 - be'ah Annual Report
P. 35

Dumpsites Closure Across the Sultanate

           Site                                                               Closure           Area (sq m)
 Controlling the Damage                                                       Year
 of Legacy Practices
           1         Al Dakhiliyah                    Bahla                   2015              66,000
 A traditional dumpsite is an open space of land   The first step towards achieving this goal was to   2   Governorate    Al Hamra  2015  48,000
 where waste is discarded in a harmful manner. Waste   stop use of traditional dumpsites as soon as the
 is either dumped in piles, thrown in pits, buried   infrastructure in the governorate or the nearest one   3      Izki  2015  108,000
 for burning purposes or exposed to scavengers.   was ready for operations.    4      Nizwa  2015  200,000
 Not only does this practice lead to soil and water
 contamination, it adversely affects the health of   be’ah continues to follow this strategy as   5      Samail  2015  158,000
 people residing in the area through air, water and   it further expands its infrastructure.  6      Bidbid  2015  150,000
 land borne infections. These dumpsites become the   By 2019-end, be’ah had almost completed the
 breeding ground for pests.    takeover of MSW management operations across   7      Manah  2015  259,000
    the country. Now, all generated MSW is sent to   8      Adam              2015              69,000
 Overall, they have a negative impact on the   the 10 operational engineered landfills and all
 environment, ecosystem, health and economy.   dumpsites have stopped receiving MSW.  9   Al Buraimi Governorate   Buraimi  2017  908,000
 There were more than 300 dumpsites across   10   Al Batinah North   Khaboura  2017             565,000
 Oman, and these were contributing to significant   An analysis of dumpsites assessment data   Governorate
 environmental damage. Hence, it became imperative   identified a total of 40 major dumpsites across   11      Suwaiq - Khadhra  2018  1,024,000
 to take visionary measures to tackle the challenge.   Oman. Of these, 31 major ones have been closed   12      Liwa  2017  500,000
 and cleaned up in governorates where be’ah
 A key focus for be’ah is to   has taken over operations between 2013 till   13      Suhar  2019  3,400.000
 the end of 2019. Dumpsites marked for closure
 develop strategies that lead to   were prioritised using risk analysis approach   14   Al Dhahirah Governorate  Ibri  2017  1,022,593
                     Al Batinah South
 environmentally sustainable   where impact on health and the surrounding   16   Governorate    Musana  2018  335,000
 environment were critical deciding factors.
 practices and minimize    17                         Barka                   2016              2,285,458
 the damage.  18     Ash Sharqiyah South              Al Kamil Wal Wafi       2016              747,442
           19                                         Jalan Bani Bu Ali       2016              100,802
           20                                         Al Ashkhara             2016              106,632

           21                                         Masira                  2018              354,000
           22        Ash Sharqiyah North              Mudaybi                 2019              39,500
           23                                         Sinaw                   2019              23,000
           24                                         Ibra                    2019              168,555
           25                                         Bidiyah                 2019              289,000

           26        Dhofar                           Mirbat                  2018              140,000

           27                                         Taqa                    2017              122,000
           28                                         Raysut                  2018              1,360,000
           29                                         Shalim                  2019              23,000

           30                                         Al Mazyunah             2019              29,554
           31        Musandam                         Daba                    2019              25,258

                     Total area covered (sq m)                                                  11,730,194

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