Page 57 - be'ah Annual Report
P. 57

Striving for Excellence:
 Industrial Waste Operations

 The control of the movement of industrial and   by making it possible for SME’s to transport the waste   Manifest flow
 hazardous waste streams is extremely important to   in a controlled manner. be’ah intends to support
 avoid dumping of waste leading to environmental   the development of several small and medium
 problems for nature, wildlife and future generations.   enterprises by further strengthening the knowledge   Waste generator goes to be’ah website    Manifest reviewed by   be’ah waste evaluator
                                                                                  contacts Waste Generator to
         , then clicks on the Hazardous
                                                       be’ah waste evaluator.
 For the tracking of waste streams be’ah has created   and awareness of transporting industrial and   Waste Services and registers. Afterwards, waste   get info or to request sample
 an online manifest system that tracks the movement   hazardous waste by educating drivers and logistic   manifest is filled with required information   before accepting the waste.
 of the waste from the waste generator to be’ah’s   personnel, thus contributing towards empowering   and registers as Waste Generator.
 treatment sites. In addition to tracking the waste,   local human resources to develop their businesses.
 the manifest also ensures that every waste stream       Additional
                                                         information needed?
 is reviewed by be’ah’s competent team of chemists,   be’ah intends to support and develop several   yes
 a process that ensures that the waste streams are   small & medium enterprises (SMEs) in transporting
 handled and treated in the correct manner. The   industrial waste, thus contributing towards   no
 manifest also supports the economical development   empowering local human resource economically.

                                                                                                    Waste sample
                            Waste goes
                            for treatment.                                                          analysed and

                                                                                            Waste accepted, then a
              Point where be’ah                                                             quotation is sent to WG.
              takes ownership                                                               WG signs three copies of the
              of the waste.                                                                 manifest before transporting
                                                                                            the waste (The signed manifest
                                                                                            by the WG is considered as an
                                                                                            economical bidding signature.)

                     WG pays the final bill.  Waste is received, documentation   The signed manifest shall

 Jan-19  Feb-19  Mar-19  Apr-19  May-19  Jun-19  Jul-19  Aug-19  Sep-19  Oct-19  Nov-19  Dec-19  checked, weighed and sampled   be handed over by the
                                             at be’ah IWFT. Final signature of
                                                                          transporter and carried out
                                                                          through by the transporter.
                                             be’ah IWFT will be applied on
                                             the manifest and copies shall be
                                             retained for 5 years by all parties.
 458  391 355 657 470 591 876 413  505 1003 139  559

 Jan  Feb Mar  Apr  May Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep Oct  Nov  Dec
 19  19  19  19  19  19  19  19  19  19  19  19

 Amount of Industrial Waste Received (tonnes/month)

 56                                                                                                              57
   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62