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PAGE 4  SELWYNConnection hEAlth & wEllnEss

    Exercise is key to health & happiness! Foster parkrun.

    The human body was designed for        Coping mechanism.                     parkrun, the international running phenomenon,
    activity. Most people are aware of     If you want a healthy addiction then a   has now been in Selwyn since October 2018.
    the physical benefits associated with   good exercise regime is the perfect choice.   Every Saturday at 8am, Foster parkrun gets
    exercise; however, the psychological   When faced with mental or emotional   the Selwyn community up and active for a free,
    benefits of exercise can be as equally   challenges, exercise is ideal for building   weekly, timed 5km run, walk, jog or volunteer.
    important:                             resilience. Exercise is also a positive   Foster parkrun Event Directors Greg and Suzy
    Reduces stress, anxiety and depression.   coping mechanism in times of stress and is   Petersen are thrilled with how the Selwyn
    Do you want to be happy? Exercise      much better for your health than drugs or   community has embraced parkrun. “To get
    stimulates endorphins which create feelings   consuming junk food or alcohol.  20 people up and active each week would be
    of happiness and euphoria. Recent studies   Builds self-esteem.              amazing, but we are averaging around 70 which
    have shown that exercise reduces stress   Regular activity is an investment in your   has exceeded our expectations.”
    and alleviates symptoms of anxiety and   mind, body and soul. It makes you feel
    depression. It can even be as effective as   confident, strong and powerful. When you   parkrun started 16 years ago in London, as
    antidepressant medication.             have a high self-esteem, you are more   a group of friends going out for a weekly
                                                                                 timed 5km run. There are now over 6 million
    Boosts brain power.                    confident to take on challenges.      participants, with 1,961 events throughout the
    Regular exercise stimulates the growth of   Improves Quality of life.        world. parkrun is non-competitive and has been
    brain cells, giving you a better memory. The   Exercise is the magic pill for improving   embraced by the UK National Health Service
    same endorphins that make you happier   both your health and quality of life. The   as a means of combating increasing rates of
    also help you concentrate and feel mentally   best thing is you don’t have to be a fitness   inactivity, mental health and loneliness. An
    sharp. This allows you to be more productive   freak to reap the many rewards of exercise.   integral part of parkrun’s success is community
    and achieve so much more in a day.     You just have to get up and move, even a   building, linking people together and providing a
    Better Sleep.                          20-30-minute walk each day, is better than   shared sense of identity. “The post run coffee is
    If you are tired, you will struggle to operate   sitting around feeling sorry for yourself.   just as important as the run or walk itself”.
    at your full potential. A regular exercise   If you are moving you are improving!
    routine contributes to improved sleep by                                     Foster parkrun, 8:00am every Saturday at
    promoting good sleeping patterns. Exercise   Karen Hulston,                  Foster Park, Rolleston.
    has even been known to help people with   Bootcamp with Kaz.                 Register at
    sleep disorders.                       A
    More energy.
    We all want more energy and the good
    news is that modest amounts of exercise               Yoga For All!
    can make a huge difference to your energy
    levels and wellbeing, no matter your age        A new unique boutique       Live, Laugh & LOVE your Smile!
                                                       YOGA STUDIO
    or fitness level. If you have been sitting on   in a serene space that is truly bliss!  Complete Dentures • Immediate
    the couch for far too long, then start with a   a healthier & happier self you shall find
                                                   With all abilities & needs in mind,
    few minutes of exercise a day, and increase   Located in lush surroundings between Prebbleton & Rolleston  Dentures • Relines • Partial
    the volume of your workout when you have                                        Dentures • Additions • Repairs
    more energy.                                                                       • Advice and Maintenance

                                                INTRODUCTORY OFFER
                                                       2 passes - $30
         Award winning 10 Week             � Various styles & levels  � Mats & props provided - free  Rachael Knight – Clinical Dental Technician
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      In West Melton & Darfield during Term 4!  BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL                 PGDipClinDentTech, Otago 2014; BDentTech, Otago 2013
                                                                                       1081 Goulds Rd, Rolleston, 7614.
    The Physical & Online Canterbury Programme involves checking in &   � Online:  PHONE: 03 3477 477
         training as a group, each Monday at 7pm & 9:30am.    �  STRESS
           There are limited spaces ~ so be quick!  �  ZONE  EMAIL:
         Go to    � Ph: 0221352762
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